Here you find the complete manual for the Rafflebot.



To install Rafflebot to your Slack workspace simply click on the "Add to Slack" button on the top right and follow the instructions. Note that your user will need to have the rights for installing Slack apps in your workspace.

Getting started

To start the Rafflebot just enter the command /raffle in any channel on Slack and the bot will appear showing the main menu. You can then navigate the app by through buttons and menus.

In the main menu you will see a list of all current raffles in your workspace. Those are raffles that are currently running, have completed recently (so you can still cehck the results) and raffles that you have created, but have not started yet.

Configure the app

After the app is installed for the first time we strongly recommend to update the workspace settings to make sure it fits with your specific workspace.

You can configure the main settings for Rafflebot by clicking on "Workspace settings" in the main menu. Note that this button will only be available to the user who installed the app.

No support for DST adjustments

Note that the app currently does not support DST adjustment, so the installer of this app will need to manually adjust the timezone offset when DST changes in your region.

Create a new raffle

To create a new raffle just open the app by entering /raffle in any channel. Then click on "Create raffle".

A dialog will prompt you to enter the basic information for your new raffle. Note that you can change that information later if you whish:

After you entered the basic information a new raffle will be created and you will automatically be shown the edit raffle menu.

Edit a raffle

In this screen you can shape and manage your raffle including adding prizes, editing its basic information starting it once your are ready to go. Note that only the owner of a raffle can access this screen about a raffle.

Note that a raffle can only be edited if its paused. But you can always pause a running raffle to make changes if needed.

The screen will show the basic information about the raffle, how many people have already joined (if any) and the list of prizes a raffle has.

Add/Edit prize

Once you click on "Add price" or "Edit price" a dialog will open that will allow you to create a new prize or edit an existing one.

Add generic prizes

Once you click on "Add generic prices" a dialog will open that will allow you to add a set of generic prizes to your raffle. Generic prizes all have the same title, (optional) description and (optional) image. So if you raffle contains a set of similar prizes (e.g. 10 x $10 amazon gift), this feature can be helpful.

Running a raffle

One your finished defining your raffle with all the prizes and the due date just click on "Start raffle" to activate it. An automatic announcement message about the raffle will be posted in the configured channel to inform all members of that channel about the raffle.

While your raffle is running you still have the ability to manage it:

Joining a raffle

Once a raffle has started a announcement message is posted in the channel. Users will be able to join or leave the raffle by clicking on the corresponding buttons below the posted message.

Its also possible to join a running raffle from any other channel. Just enter /raffle to open the raffle bot. Then choose one of the running raffles you like to join from the drop down menu. You will get a screen similar to the following example:

Conduct raffle drawing

The drawing of a raffle will be conducted automatically once the scheduled date and time is reached. Alternatively the raffle owner can manually start the drawing if he so chooses. The result showing which participant won which price will be posted in the configured channel:

Exception cases

Here is an overview of how exception cases will be handled: