Slash Commands

After installing this app for your Slack team all users will have access to new slash commands. Here is a description of how to use the new slash commands:

Command Description Example
/eveprice [item]

This command displays the current average price for any requested item in your current chat channel. The information is only visible to the user who executed the command. Only one item can be requested at a time, however all items with matching names and prices will be displayed. All price information is retrieved from the Eve Server and are the same prices you see as "estimated price" in the Eve client.
Alternatively you can also choose your items from a drop-down list on Slack by entering /eveprice without any item name.
/eveprice raitaru /eveprice
/evestruct [system]

Allows to search for public structures (e.g. Citadels) in any solar system. Will display a list of all public structures in that system.
Alternatively you can also choose the solar system from a drop-down list on Slack by entering /evestruct without any item name.
/evestruct inaya /evestruct

Displays the current online status and number of active players on the TQ server in the current channel. This information is only visible to the user who executed the command. /evestatus

Displays the current date and time of the Eve Online game world in your current chat channel. /evetime
/evetime help

Shows a brief overview of all commands and a link to this webpage. The help sub-command works with all commands. /evetime help

Example output

Example output for /eveprice raitaru:

Example output for /evestruct inaya:

Example output for /evestruct:

Example output for /evestatus:

Example output for /evetime: